Devaney is Going South

By: Mr. Wilson on September 8, 2009
I missed the news from last Friday that the Board of Regents approved the Devaney Center expansion. The facility upgrade will cost around $18 million and will include a basketball practice facility, new training space, and new office space. Not long ago many people feared that if UNL were to invest in Devaney on this sort of project it would signal a vote of no confidence against the proposed Haymarket arena. That sentiment has changed lately, with the buzz now indicating that the Huskers are likely to be behind the arena ... for now. An unfavorable result in next spring's vote could still cause Dr. Tom to call up the renovators to put in place an all-out Devaney renovation. The Huskers can't wait forever, after all. You know, if we were to just put a dome over Memorial Stadium the basketball team could play in there, and it would make a great arena (as demonstrated by the Larry the Cable Guy show). Hmm...


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 8, 2009 at 4:33PM

I don’t like football games in domed stadiums. It seems a bit silly.

September 9, 2009 at 7:49AM

Syracuse packs em in to the Carrier Dome.

September 9, 2009 at 7:50AM

Or I could have read that you said football instead of basketball. Syracuse football does NOT pack them in.

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