Deja Vu

By: Mr. Wilson on April 23, 2010
I could swear I've read this article a dozen times already. Supposedly the motocross track at Abbott Sports Complex is really really going to happen this time. Really! We'll see. I for one can't wait to hear the dull roar of motorcycle engines while I referee.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
May 12, 2005 at 2:53AM

Yes, it is good. The only problem is how expensive it is for a bowl of white rice and some over tenderized marinaded meat. I actually ate chicken teriyaki at the mall of americas last weekend and it was better than sam’s, but equally expensive.

Mr. T
May 12, 2005 at 2:53AM

Yes, it is good. The only problem is how expensive it is for a bowl of white rice and some over tenderized marinaded meat. I actually ate chicken teriyaki at the mall of americas last weekend and it was better than sam’s, but equally expensive.

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