Cutbacks at the LJS Have Taken Their Toll

By: Mr. Wilson on September 1, 2009
Cutbacks in the newsroom at the LJS are really taking their toll, as shown in this article:
An excavating company drilling near 18th and K streets hit one of the city's fiber optic cables Friday, causing $7,000 in damage to a fiber optic line that helps the city run traffic signals remotely. Officer Katie Flood said when General Excavating's drill hit the cable that runs on the south side of 18th Street around 10:30 a.m. it quickly became obvious.
It quickly became obvious ... that somebody at the LJS fell asleep at the keyboard while writing this piece. The incident did not become obvious to local drivers, by the way. Local drivers have become so accustomed to bizarre traffic signal timing that nothing surprises them any more.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 1, 2009 at 8:01PM

I was actually able to comment there on that particular story, which is amazing, since their commenting features are still as broken as broken can be.

Maybe they should hire Mr. W. - commenting here seems pretty easy and straightforward. I can’t believe what a mess it still is there after so many weeks.

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