Jon Camp won't run for Mayor in this spring's election. Instead, he will run for re-election to the City Council, and he will continue to focus on his business interests. I'm certain it was a difficult decision for him.
What bugs me, though, is how arrogant he comes off as a result of the announcement. He said, for example, "Quite frankly, I know that I could've been elected." I don't like those sorts of pronouncements. Can you imagine if Colleen Seng were to say, "I have decided not to run for re-election, but quite frankly, I know I could've beaten any opponent"? It's tacky. More appropriate would have been to just bow out quietly, talk about how he is keeping the door open for 2011, and maybe offer a little support for Ken Svoboda.
Update 11/30/2006: Neal shoots, he scores!
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Camp may be his own worst enemy when it comes to statements like this. Great guy and sharp as a tack, but sometimes he lacks finesse.
I think he is an important ingredient on the council but as often as I agree with him, I have never seen him as a good mayoral candidate.
Great cartoon Neal!
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