Could This Be Foley’s Folly?

By: Mr. Wilson on July 9, 2010
State Auditor Mike Foley has been on my good side for a while now thanks to his ability to stick his nose into other peoples' business in the public interest. But his insistence on auditing the arena project from the get-go has raised some eyebrows. His motivation seems fuzzy at best, and it's hard not to think thoughts of grandstanding. Now even finance geeks say it's a bad idea that could harm Lincoln's ability to raise funds for the project. I'm all for transparency and accountability, as regular readers ought to know by now. Given Lincoln's financial condition, we need to be as careful with arena project funds as we can reasonably be. Yet Foley's demand for involvement feels like a step too far. I don't feel like he has made his case for why his office, too, needs to be involved. Perhaps he will make that case, or maybe one of you can make it for him. So far I'm unconvinced.


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