Candidates Debate, Crickets Chirp

By: Mr. Wilson on April 21, 2009
Lincolnites apparently aren't too fired up about the upcoming City Council election. How else can you explain the lack of buzz across the city? Is anybody talking about the election? Not even two dozen people showed up for last night's rapid-fire candidate Q&A. There could be all sorts of reasons for the passivity. Maybe Lincolnites are relatively content with the way things are going. Maybe the candidates have little to offer. Maybe Lincolnites are lazy. Maybe we're all too worried about paying our own bills. Are you passionate about the upcoming election. Why? Or are you like me, a little too far removed from the process? Again, why?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 21, 2009 at 12:43PM

I did actually take the time to vote in the primary, but in all honesty, I am pretty indifferent. I will try to vote, but I don’t have a powerful feeling that I need this person to win, or that person to lose.

April 21, 2009 at 1:32PM

was the 24th voter at 6:30 PM for the primary.  Had no clue there was a debate last night.

April 21, 2009 at 3:02PM

I’m a bit of a nerd, & I get excited about elections, no matter the size.  I haven’t been able to attend either of the League of Women Voters’ debates, but I’ve Tivo’d them on 5 City TV.  They’re also available here (scroll down to VOTE 09).  They’re in Real media format.  Why, I do not know.

Dave K
April 21, 2009 at 6:22PM

The problem is that the candidates have little that they choose to offer.  They’re all basically the same people.  I voted for only two City Council candidates in the last primary.  Those two distinguished themselves by their answers to the arena question.  Most voters don’t care enough to peel away the layers of a candidate to get to something they can vote for or against. So when they all appear the same to begin with, it makes for a very un-engaging election.

So I’d say it’s a combination of the dullness of the candidates and the general lack of interest in positions those candidates hold.

Matthew Platte
April 21, 2009 at 9:12PM

I tried to get the Snyder campaign nerds to put some actual content on their website/RSS feed.  You know: positions, issues, and stuff like that.  I failed.

The man in charge warned that putting such information out on the website might “...desensitize the voters” too soon.


It looks like today’s campaign strategy is to stay low, say little, thus avoid getting voted off the island.  Maybe they didn’t get the Obamamemo.

April 22, 2009 at 10:40AM

Some people might still be burnt out from the last presidential election.

April 22, 2009 at 2:10PM


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