BYOB, But Leave the Noisemakers at Home

By: Mr. Wilson on April 4, 2006
The City Council got a little feisty with "party houses" yesterday, upping minimum fines and increasing the likelihood that some property owners could see jail time for maintaining a "disorderly" house. I support the move in principle, but we'll have to see how the new ordinance is applied before I can say for certain that it is a good way to improve Lincoln's notorious party neighborhoods. For example, will the LPD feel empowered (or pressured) to throw $250 tickets at home owners after a simple noise complaint without first issuing a warning, all in the name of cleaning up neighborhoods but at the expense of common sense? Will the fines be disproportionately directed at particular citizens (college students) while others are let off the hook? Folks ought to be able to do just about anything they like in their homes, but not at the expense of their neighbors' sanity. I hope that's the message that goes along with enforcement of this ordinance, not something more draconian like "no having fun after 10:00 p.m." The purpose of this, and any, ordinance should be to improve the quality of life in Lincoln, not to make more people criminals.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 4, 2006 at 2:30PM

yeah increasing the penality always makes the problem go away.

Just look at the death penalty.  Once instated we never had another murder.

sorry I cannot help it.

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