And the Haymarket Parking Garage Goes…

By: Mr. Wilson on December 28, 2011
It appears that the newest Haymarket parking garage will be located in the vicinity of 7th and O. That location involves an existing surface lot so nobody will need to move out to make way for its construction. Contrast that with one of the alternate locations at 9th and Q where Barry's sits. (Er, used to sit.) I'm not sure which location is best. Lincoln could certainly use a garage in the area of 7th and O. That's been true for years. But when considering not just present circumstances but also the future of the Haymarket, is that location still the best? A substantial part of me says yes, but I can't quite fully convince myself. One thing that most certainly would have been nicer about the 9th and Q location is that existing parking wouldn't have been obliterated during construction. Losing the current lot at 7th and O for several months during construction is going to be a giant pain in the rump for Haymarket visitors.


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