A Walk Around the Lake

By: Mr. Wilson on May 22, 2008
I was so mad at myself last night. The Wilsons went on a walk around Holmes Lake and I forgot to take my camera. Grr. At first I was just annoyed. But as we walked I noticed dozens of great photo opportunities. I hope somebody from the Lincoln Convention & Visitors Bureau was out there, because I'm telling you, it was one postcard after another, all the way 'round the lake. There were the softball games; the folks fishing; the walkers; the bikers; the picnickers; the kids on the playground; the family preparing for a hiking trip by walking up and down the dam; the family goofing off by sliding down the dam on big blocks of ice; the guy chucking balls into the lake for his dog to fetch; and on and on. Norman Rockwell would have wet himself. It was the most time I've spent at Holmes Lake in a while, so I spent a lot of time evaluating the park's evolution. I am very impressed. There are only a couple things missing. First, they could use mileage markers on the path around the lake. Or maybe just a nice big sign that says "spot X is Y fraction of a mile from spot Z, and the entire path is Q miles long". Or maybe it would scare people from walking all the way around the lake if they knew the path is approximately 2.25 miles. (That's my rough estimate using the GMap Pedometer.) The other thing that's missing is, in my opinion, a biggie. Paddleboats. Holmes Lake is begging for paddleboats. Last night was so perfect, I would have paid good money to put the family on the water. The last time Holmes Lake saw paddleboats was, what, 20 years ago? I, for one, would like to see them make a comeback.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 23, 2008 at 12:10PM

You read my mind.  I made the same comment about paddleboats on Wednesday night as I walked around the lake with some friends.

Although I think the paddling would have annoyed the fly-fisherman we saw on the north bank that night…

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