A Great Idea ... Except for All the Bad Parts

By: Mr. Wilson on October 25, 2007
Creating a new low-income housing development at 10th and Military seems like a great idea. Except:
  1. It's in a flood plain
  2. It will require the expensive demolition of asbestos-tainted buildings
  3. It involves public land, but bids were not sought
  4. It may require approval from the Army Corps of Engineers
  5. And the Navy
Just to make those complications more fun to deal with, if the project doesn't move forward by November 30, the project will lose out on a heap of state tax credits. Other than that, the project should be a breeze.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Dave K
October 25, 2007 at 1:47PM

Am I the only one that doesn’t think Lincoln is big enough for a housing project?  The only good I can see coming out of this is a popular hip hop artist or two. Short of what business a music video production would bring to Lincoln, breeding hip hop artists doesn’t benefit a local economy too much.

Mr. Wilson
October 25, 2007 at 1:58PM

You’re aware that similar developments already exist in several places around the city, right?

Dave K
October 25, 2007 at 2:00PM

Yes.  But I see where you’re going.  And I agree, the local hip hop still sucks.

West A Dad
October 25, 2007 at 4:12PM

The Dudley boys are gonna need a new place to hang/live/terrorize when they get outta the cooler.

October 27, 2007 at 12:01AM

According to the paper…that should be “Dudley Boyz”  with a “Z”.  hehehe

What a joke that is isn’t it????

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