A Good Thing, But Not the Right Good Thing

By: Mr. Wilson on September 29, 2009
It makes my stomach churn to see a perfectly good $45 million project shuttered by the City. The project -- involving a hotel, apartments, and a parking garage -- has been tabled by the City Council because (get this) it doesn't feature enough empty space. More specifically, the proposed building comes too close to a currently non-existent linear "park" along M Street. Look, I understand a Master Plan needs to look forward and there will no doubt be hiccups in the road between plan visualization and realization. But this just sucks. Somebody wants to spend $45 million in our city and we're going to tell them no? And after all the recent failures Downtown? Ugh. I sure hope City officials are doing cartwheels and handsprings trying to get this thing to happen.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 29, 2009 at 2:06PM

This really pisses me off, too. I think the “master plan” should be more guideline than rule, whereas something like this project could be a centerpiece for other things to build around.

If you really want a hoot, go read the LJS articles about the firefighters and the $300,000 screw-up, and look at the comments by Doug Emery. His tirade is an embarrasment for a public official to be posting online, if it was really done by him.

September 29, 2009 at 2:59PM

I wondered if it was really him. I wouldn’t think it would be all that wise to jump into the fray like that, but maybe there’s no real harm in it.

Dave K
September 29, 2009 at 5:44PM

<i>Somebody wants to spend $45 million in our city and we

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